Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grammar Part: Common Mistakes in Simple Past Tense

Can you identify the grammar mistakes in both pictures?

Yup! We don't use 'eated' and 'drewed' in Simple Past Tense.

Students also tend to write like these:

I was drank the milk.

We were cooked the dinner.

She putted the book on the shelf.

Many people sawed the accident this morning.

Why students often make these mistakes?

The most logical answer is that they do what we called as 'overgeneralization'.

It means they simply use that particular rule in forming simple past tense for all the verbs. They might get confused of 'which should be changed with what'. Not all the verbs can be changed to simple past tense simply by adding -d or -ed. 'Be' verb is also used differently, same with action verbs.

These are the things that students need to understand and remember. So, be careful in forming the verbs, learn the rules!

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